Dachung Huxaia Business HotelFurniture Plan: Typical RoomElevation: Typical RoomTypical RoomTypical Room BathPublic RestroomElevation: Public RestroomElevator LobbyElevation: Elevator Lobby Typical FloorElevator LobbyTypical CorridorFurniture Plan: BoardroomBoardroomFurniture Plan: Fitness CenterFitness Center3-Meal Restaurant Elevation: 3-Meal Restaurant Elevation: 3-Meal Restaurant3-Meal Restaurant
Dachung Huxaia Business Hotel
As a member of the Hospitality Design Team at VOA, I worked on Dachung Huxaia Business Hotel. It's located in Dachung Country, Langfang city and will be the landmark hotel project on the east side of Beijing city. The hotel is part of the overall Phoenix town development and will serve as the main social, conference and activity center for the surrounding community.